What we do for you…

Jeff T. Walker  can be contacted at 540 239 9131. or by mail sent to: walker@swva.net

As a fully licensed Onsite Evaluator, and Professional Soil Scientist he evaluates soil permeability and site conditions needed to match the design of sewage (septic) systems to the needs of the home builder. Blue Ridge Site & Soil, LLC is a Virginia licensed Class B  contracting firm, staffed and qualified to produce bids and construct advanced or conventional septic systems.

soil auger (child driven)

A site evaluation may result in an application for the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) which will be reviewed and issued in the form of a construction permit, certification letter, or subdivision documentation. Permit fee’s are dependent on which county your property is located in. See link:


You’ll notice that a “bare application” fee is greater than a supported application, due to the AOSE taking responsibility for site evaluation and design, layout and documentation. VDH reviews this application and issues the permit w/in a strict timeline of 15 working days.

Fees begin at $640/day for evaluation & design services, with an additional flat $400 fee if we provide excavation equipment. All consultation or construction is under written contract, w/ retainer based on 50% of estimated cost. Support for advanced treatment systems on sites which have restrictions under the Regulations, commercial systems, or travel outside Floyd County will be at additional cost. Final inspection is a flat rate of $240 at time of construction, and includes filing documentation to recommend issuance of an operating permit. Service area includes Floyd and contiguous counties, exceptions may be made under inquiry for special circumstances or unique projects.

These services are provided under contract in order to support construction of  reliable and economical systems to serve homes or businesses. Design choices should be made after you are fully informed and ready to consider siting an onsite wastewater system with full support for your decisions. Your best outcome will be in scheduling an evaluation prior to any other disturbance to the site. I will assist you in identifying and geo-locating significant features; and counsel with you on other issues regarding siting a home: driveway, utilities, water (spring or well), agricultural issues and so forth. Satisfying your concerns is my specialty.

Or with diesel power, on a golf course; another facility approved.

Being familiar with Floyd County and the surrounding area I understand the territory, and am experienced in consulting with landowners and builders. The process begins in defining your the attributes of your property, slope, terrain, landscape, vegetation or use all lead to a solution serving your goals.

I will be pleased to discuss your options, offer suggestions and explain the ways I can help you achieve your site development goals. Begin the process give me a call and we can talk.

9 Responses to “What we do for you…”

  1. E.W. Harless Says:

    I have a place on the river and need a small system installed, talked to the health dept today and was told what i needed. I need someone to look at it. It is in the city of radford on little river rd.

  2. Sabrina Says:

    Cheers for good information in your blog Blue Ridge Site & Soil!

  3. Noah and Amanda Mellowspring Says:

    Hi Mr Walker, I was given your contact info by Paula at the Health department as a resource for playing a septic/drain field for 3 Yurts we hope to have up on our land before spring bit if possible before mid January. our Address is xxxx tuggles gap rd de Floyd vs 24091 we do have 3 locations we would consider placing the yurt platforms on the land and all of them would be maybe at most 50 feet apart. Our property is adjacent to xxxxxxxxx rd. These units would be seasonal occupants from May to early October and mostly Thursday to Sunday. My number is and my email is

  4. Gabrielle Says:

    Hi, do you also conduct “safe, acceptable and proper” septic evaluations in Patrick County?

    • Jeff Walker Says:

      SAP requires confirming function of a septic system prior to either obtaining a building permit or replacing a home provided the capacity of the system is not altered, i.e. a 3 BR home doesn’t increase in occupancy.
      VDH has created a policy which requires uncovering the system to confirm it is functioning as designed, unless the system is new (<5yrs) or has been inspected or pumped w/in that time frame.
      The costs of conducting this evaluation vary considerably depending upon the situation. Feel free to call, or email providing such information as will elaborate on your situation. By policy there are several licensed people who can conduct this evaluation, though in my experience the majority are certified by AOSE.
      Regards, Jeff Walker, AOSE,AOSSI

      • Gabrielle Says:

        Thanks for the reply. We weren’t sure if it was done by the govt or private. I will call this week.

  5. Karine Jacquin Says:

    Hi Jeff,
    I am looking into a human waste composting system that requires minimal manipulation. I can’t picture myself emptying buckets of poop for the next few decades. I read that it’s supposed to be designed by a licensed professional. Do you have experience with that by any chance?

    • Jeff Walker Says:

      Virginia Sewage Handling Regulations provide a couple provisions toward non-flush waste disposal. The pit privy has the lowest barrier to entry, though the locality may have superseding policies. The other uses an NSF approved composting toilet (e.g. Clivus Multrum) which has minimal maintenance requirements.

  6. Joey Says:

    Jeff is a professional and expert in this specific field. He was more than helpful in any questions or concerns that we had when planning for our building site. Jeff was prompt and knowledgeable and efficient in communicating and completing the site evaluation from start to finish & highly recommend.

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